Error: Data structure returned is not convertible in the requested format. Try to call this method with the parameters '&format=original&serialize=1'; you will get the original php data structure serialized. The data structure looks like this: $data = array ( 0 => array ( 'login' => 'admin', 'email' => '', 'superuser_access' => true, 'date_registered' => '2014-03-06 11:24:44', 'invited_by' => NULL, 'invite_expired_at' => NULL, 'invite_accept_at' => NULL, 'role' => 'superuser', 'capabilities' => array ( ), 'last_seen' => '1327 days 11:39:22', 'invite_status' => 'active', 'uses_2fa' => false, ), 1 => array ( 'login' => 'anonymous', 'email' => '', 'superuser_access' => true, 'date_registered' => '2013-11-01 09:33:05', 'invited_by' => NULL, 'invite_expired_at' => NULL, 'invite_accept_at' => NULL, 'role' => 'superuser', 'capabilities' => array ( ), 'last_seen' => '00:11:51', 'invite_status' => 'active', 'uses_2fa' => false, ), );