New Update: Matomo 4.16.1
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Manage Themes

Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports. Enjoy another look and feel by installing a new theme.
Note: the other 1 users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme Morpheus.

Origin All | Core | Official | Third-party Status All | Active | Inactive

You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won't be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?

Theme Description Status Action
Morpheus (Core)
Morpheus is the default theme of Matomo designed to help you focus on your analytics. In Greek mythology, Morpheus is the God of dreams. In the Matrix movie, Morpheus is the leader of the rebel forces who fight to awaken humans from a dreamlike reality called The Matrix.
GPL v3+
By Matomo.
Zeitgeist (v4.14.1)
Zeitgeist is the base theme for Piwik 2 from which other themes automatically inherit.
GPL v3+
By Matomo.
- Uninstall

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