New Update: Matomo 4.16.1
Oopsโ€ฆ there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your Matomo administrator for assistance.

Need more help? FAQ โ€“ Community Help โ€“ Professional Help.

Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the "config/config.ini.php" file. If you want to see only changed values you can hide all unchanged values.




SDK_batch_size 10 Any key/value pair can be added in this section, they will be available via the REST call index.php?module=API&method=API.getSettings This can be used to expose values from Matomo, to control for example a Mobile app tracking
SDK_interval_value 30



backend chained available backends are 'file', 'array', 'null', 'redis', 'chained' 'array' will cache data only during one request 'null' will not cache anything at all 'file' will cache on the filesystem 'redis' will cache on a Redis server, use this if you are running Matomo with multiple servers. Further configuration in [RedisCache] is needed 'chained' will chain multiple cache backends. Further configuration in [ChainedCache] is needed
enable_opcache_reset 1 Configuration to switch on/off opcache_reset when general caches are cleared. This may be useful for multi-tenant installations that would rather manage opcache resets by themselves. This could also be used by scripts to temporarily switch off opcache resets.


[ "array", "file" ]
The chained cache will always try to read from the fastest backend first (the first listed one) to avoid requesting the same cache entry from the slowest backend multiple times in one request.


enable_plugin_update_communication An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.
Default: false
update_to_utf8mb4 Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with ๏ฟฝ.

Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.

If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: /var/www/vhosts/ core:convert-to-utf8mb4

Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.

Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.

You can find more information about this topic in this FAQ.
Default: false


always_archive_data_day 0
always_archive_data_period 0 if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed this is useful when making changes to the archiving code so we can force the archiving process
always_archive_data_range 0 Force archiving Custom date range (without re-archiving sub-periods used to process this date range)
archive_profiling_log '' if set to an absolute path, core:archive profiling information will be logged to specified file
archiving_profile 0 if set to 1, core:archive profiling information will be recorded in a log file. the log file is determined by the archive_profiling_log option.
enable_php_profiler 0 if set to 1, use of a php profiler will be enabled. the profiler will not be activated unless its installation can be detected and the correct query and CLI parameters are supplied to toggle it. Note: this setting is not dependent on development mode, since it is often required to run the profiler with all optimizations and caches enabled.
enable_sql_profiler 0 if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request NOTE: you must also set [log] log_writers[] = "screen" to enable the profiler to print on screen
log_sql_queries 0 if set to 1, all SQL queries will be logged using the DEBUG log level
tracker_always_new_visitor 0 If set to 1, all requests to matomo.php will be forced to be 'new visitors'


delete_logs_enable 0 delete_logs_enable - enable (1) or disable (0) delete log feature. Make sure that all archives for the given period have been processed (setup a cronjob!), otherwise you may lose tracking data. delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval - lowest possible interval between two table deletes, for tables named log_* (in days, 1|7|30). Default: 7. delete_logs_older_than - delete data older than XX (days). Default: 180 delete_logs_unused_actions_schedule_lowest_interval - lowest possible interval between two table deletes, for table log_action (in days, 1|7|30). Default: 30. delete_logs_max_rows_per_query and delete_logs_unused_actions_max_rows_per_query can be increased for large sites to speed up delete processes The higher value one assign to *_schedule_lowest_interval, the longer the data pruning/deletion will take. This is caused by the fact there is more data to evaluate and process every month, than every week.
delete_logs_max_rows_per_query 100000
delete_logs_older_than 180
delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval 7
delete_logs_unused_actions_max_rows_per_query 100000
delete_logs_unused_actions_schedule_lowest_interval 30
enable_auto_database_size_estimate 1
enable_database_size_estimate 1


delete_reports_enable 0
delete_reports_keep_basic_metrics 1
delete_reports_keep_day_reports 0
delete_reports_keep_month_reports 1
delete_reports_keep_range_reports 0
delete_reports_keep_segment_reports 0
delete_reports_keep_week_reports 0
delete_reports_keep_year_reports 1
delete_reports_older_than 12


disable_merged_assets 0 if set to 1, javascript files will be included individually and neither merged nor minified. this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript files Note that for quick debugging, instead of using below setting, you can add `&disable_merged_assets=1` to the Matomo URL
enabled 0 Enables the development mode where we avoid most caching to make sure code changes will be directly applied as some caches are only invalidated after an update otherwise. When enabled it'll also performs some validation checks. For instance if you register a method in a widget we will verify whether the method actually exists and is public. If not, we will show you a helpful warning to make it easy to find simple typos etc.



login_allow_logme 1 By default the logme functionality to automatically log in users using url params is disabled You can enable that by setting this to "1". See for more details
Default: 0
login_allowlist_apply_to_reporting_api_requests 0 By default, if an allowlisted IP address is specified via "login_allowlist_ip[]", the reporting user interface as well as HTTP Reporting API requests will only work for these allowlisted IPs. Set this setting to "0" to allow HTTP Reporting API requests from any IP address.
Default: 1
salt ******
[ "", "" ]
Default: []
absolute_chroot_path '' If php is running in a chroot environment, when trying to import CSV files with createTableFromCSVFile(), Mysql will try to load the chrooted path (which is incomplete). To prevent an error, here you can specify the absolute path to the chroot environment. eg. '/path/to/matomo/chrooted/'
action_category_level_limit 10 the maximum url category depth to track. if this is set to 2, then a url such as "" would be treated as "". this setting is used mainly to limit the amount of data that is stored by Matomo.
action_default_name index this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash / it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI
action_title_category_delimiter '' similar to above, but this delimiter is only used for page titles in the Actions > Page titles report
action_url_category_delimiter / character used to automatically create categories in the Actions > Pages, Outlinks and Downloads reports for example a URL like "" will create the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category
adding_segment_requires_access view By default, any user with a "view" access for a website can create segment assigned to this website. Set this to "admin" or "superuser" to require that users should have at least this access to create new segments. Note: anonymous user (even if it has view access) is not allowed to create or edit segment. Possible values are "view", "write", "admin", "superuser"
all_websites_website_per_page 50 number of websites to display per page in the All Websites dashboard
allow_adding_segments_for_all_websites 1 Whether it is allowed for users to add segments that affect all websites or not. If there are many websites this admin option can be used to prevent users from performing an action that will have a major impact on Matomo performance.
allowed_outgoing_protocols http,https This option defines the protocols Matomo's Http class is allowed to open. If you may need to download GeoIP updates or other stuff using other protocols like ftp you may need to extend this list.
always_load_commands_from_plugin '' Comma separated list of plugin names for which console commands should be loaded (applies when Matomo is not installed yet)
anonymous_user_enable_use_segments_API 1 if set to 0, the anonymous user will not be able to use the 'segments' parameter in the API request this is useful to prevent full DB access to the anonymous user, or to limit performance usage
API_datatable_default_limit 100 default number of rows returned in API responses this value is overwritten by the '# Rows to display' selector. if set to -1, a click on 'Export as' will export all rows independently of the current '# Rows to display'.
api_service_url The API server is an essential part of the Matomo infrastructure/ecosystem to provide services to Matomo installations, e.g., getLatestVersion and subscribeNewsletter.
[ "" ]
By default Matomo will automatically archive all date ranges any user has chosen in their account settings. This is limited to the available options last7, previous7, last30 and previous30. If you need any other period, or want to ensure one of those is always archived, you can define them here
archiving_query_max_execution_time 7200 If configured, archiving queries will be aborted after the configured amount of seconds. Set it to -1 if the query time should not be limited. Note: This feature requires a recent MySQL version (5.7 or newer) and the PDO\MYSQL extension must be used. Some MySQL forks like MariaDB might not support this feature which uses the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint. This feature will not work with the MYSQLI extension.
archiving_range_force_on_browser_request 1 By default, Matomo will force archiving of range periods from browser requests, even if enable_browser_archiving_triggering is set to 0. This can sometimes create too much of a demand on system resources. Setting this option to 0 and disabling browser trigger archiving will make sure ranges are not archived on browser request. Since the cron archiver does not archive any custom date ranges, you must either disable range (using enabled_periods_API and enabled_periods_UI) or make sure the date ranges users' want to see will be processed somehow.
archiving_ranking_query_row_limit 50000 maximum number of rows to fetch from the database when archiving. if set to 0, no limit is used. this can be used to speed up the archiving process, but is only useful if you're site has a large amount of actions, referrers or custom variable name/value pairs.
assume_secure_protocol 0 Set to 1 if you're using https on your Matomo server and Matomo can't detect it, e.g., a reverse proxy using https-to-http, or a web server that doesn't set the HTTPS environment variable.
autocomplete_min_sites 5 minimum number of websites to run autocompleter
browser_archiving_disabled_enforce 0 if browser trigger archiving is disabled, API requests with a &segment= parameter will still trigger archiving. You can force the browser archiving to be disabled in most cases by setting this setting to 1 The only time that the browser will still trigger archiving is when requesting a custom date range that is not pre-processed yet
contact_email_address '' email address to use when an administrator should be contacted. If not set, email addresses of all super users will be used instead. To use multiple addresses simply concatenate them with a ','
cors_domains You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *
Default: []
csp_enabled 1 If set to 1, Matomo will send a Content-Security-Policy header
csp_report_only 0 If set, and csp_enabled is on, Matomo will send a report-uri in the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header instead of a Content-Security-Policy header.
{ "BTC": "Bitcoin" }
custom_cacert_pem '' The path to a custom cacert.pem file Matomo should use. By default Matomo uses a file extracted from the Firefox browser and provided here: The file contains root CAs and is used to determine if the chain of a SSL certificate is valid and it is safe to connect. Most users will not have to use a custom file here, but if you run your Matomo instance behind a proxy server/firewall that breaks and reencrypts SSL connections you can set your custom file here.
data_comparison_period_limit 5 The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously.
data_comparison_segment_limit 5 The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously.
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions 500 maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_custom_dimensions 1000 maximum number of rows for the Custom Dimensions report
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_events 500 maximum number of rows for any of the Events tables (Categories, Actions, Names)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_products 10000 maximum number of rows for the Products reports
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referrers 1000 during archiving, Matomo will limit the number of results recorded, for performance reasons maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_site_search 500 maximum number of rows for the Site Search table
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_standard 500 maximum number of rows for other tables (Providers, User settings configurations)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions 100 maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category) note: should not exceed the display limit in Piwik\Actions\Controller::ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY because each subdirectory doesn't have paging at the bottom, so all data should be displayed if possible.
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_custom_dimensions 1000 maximum number of rows for the Custom Dimensions subtable reports
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_events 500 maximum number of rows for sub-tables of the Events tables (eg. for the subtables Categories>Actions or Categories>Names).
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referrers 50 maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_userid_users 50000 maximum number of rows for the Users report
datatable_default_limit 10 default number of elements in the datatable
datatable_export_range_as_day rss When period=range, below the datatables, when user clicks on "export", the data will be aggregate of the range. Here you can specify the comma separated list of formats for which the data will be exported aggregated by day (ie. there will be a new "date" column). For example set to: "rss,tsv,csv"
datatable_row_limits 5,10,25,50,100,250,500,-1 Each datatable report has a Row Limit selector at the bottom right. By default you can select from 5 to 500 rows. You may customise the values below -1 will be displayed as 'all' and it will export all rows (filter_limit=-1)
default_day yesterday This setting is overridden in the UI, under "User Settings". The date and period loaded by Matomo uses the defaults below. Possible values: yesterday, today.
default_invite_user_token_expiry_days 7 default expiry time in days for invite user tokens
default_language en default language to use in Matomo
default_period day Possible values: day, week, month, year.
disable_archive_actions_goals 0 By default Matomo will archive data showing the contribution of each action to goal conversions, for sites tracking millions of visits with a large number of goals this may negatively impact archiving performance. You can disable archiving of action goal contribution here:
disable_archiving_segment_for_plugins '' Allows you to disable archiving segments for selected plugins. For more details please see Here you can specify the comma separated list eg: "plugin1,plugin2"
disable_checks_usernames_attributes 0 Matomo will check that usernames and password have a minimum length, and will check that characters are "allowed" This can be disabled, if for example you wish to import an existing User database in Matomo and your rules are less restrictive
emails_enabled 1 set to 0 to disable sending of all emails. useful for testing.
enable_auto_update 1 By setting this option to 0, it will disable the "Auto update" feature
enable_browser_archiving_triggering 1 This setting is overridden in the UI, under "General Settings". The default value is to allow browsers to trigger the Matomo archiving process. This setting is only used if it hasn't been overridden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
enable_create_realtime_segments 1 By default, users can create Segments which are to be processed in Real-time. Setting this to 0 will force all newly created Custom Segments to be "Pre-processed (faster, requires archive.php cron)" This can be useful if you want to prevent users from adding much load on the server. Notes: * any existing Segment set to "processed in Real time", will still be set to Real-time. this will only affect custom segments added or modified after this setting is changed. * users with at least 'view' access will still be able to create pre-processed segments, regardless of what this is set to.
enable_custom_logo 1 Controls whether the user is able to upload a custom logo for their Matomo install
enable_custom_logo_check 1 By default we check whether the Custom logo is writable or not, before we display the Custom logo file uploader
enable_delete_old_data_settings_admin 1 By setting this option to 0, the old raw data and old report data purging features will be hidden from the UI Note: log purging and old data purging still occurs, just the Super User cannot change the settings.
enable_framed_allow_write_admin_token_auth 0 Set to 1 to allow using token_auths with write or admin access in iframes that embed Matomo. Note that the token used will be in the URL in the iframe, and thus will be stored in webserver logs and possibly other places. Using write or admin token_auths can be seen as a security risk, though it can be necessary in some use cases. We do not recommend enabling this setting, for more information view the FAQ:
enable_framed_pages 0 Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on standard Non-widgets pages (a click-jacking countermeasure). Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on all non Widget pages such as Login, API, Widgets, Email reports, etc.).
enable_framed_settings 0 Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on Admin pages (a click-jacking countermeasure). Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on the Settings forms).
enable_general_settings_admin 1 By setting this option to 0, the following settings will be hidden and disabled from being set in the UI: - Archiving settings - Update settings - Email server settings - Trusted Matomo Hostname
enable_geolocation_admin 1 By setting this option to 0, you can prevent Super User from editing the Geolocation settings.
enable_installer 1 By setting this option to 0 (e.g. in common.config.ini.php) the installer will be disabled.
enable_internet_features 1 Disabling this will disable features like automatic updates for Matomo, its plugins and components like the GeoIP database, referrer spam blacklist or search engines and social network definitions
enable_load_data_infile 1 In some rare cases it may be useful to explicitly tell Matomo not to use LOAD DATA INFILE This may for example be useful when doing Mysql AWS replication
enable_plugin_upload 0 By setting this option to 1, it will be possible for Super Users to upload Matomo plugin ZIP archives directly in Matomo Administration. Enabling this opens a remote code execution vulnerability where an attacker who gained Super User access could execute custom PHP code in a Matomo plugin.
enable_plugins_admin 1 By setting this option to 0: - links to Enable/Disable/Uninstall plugins will be hidden and disabled - links to Uninstall themes will be disabled (but user can still enable/disable themes)
enable_processing_unique_visitors_day 1 the following settings control whether Unique Visitors `nb_uniq_visitors` and Unique users `nb_users` will be processed for different period types. year and range periods are disabled by default, to ensure optimal performance for high traffic Matomo instances if you set it to 1 and want the Unique Visitors to be re-processed for reports in the past, drop all matomo_archive_* tables it is recommended to always enable Unique Visitors and Unique Users processing for 'day' periods
enable_processing_unique_visitors_month 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_multiple_sites 0 controls whether Unique Visitors will be processed for groups of websites. these metrics describe the number of unique visitors across the entire set of websites, so if a visitor visited two websites in the group, she would still only be counted as one. only relevant when using plugins that group sites together
enable_processing_unique_visitors_range 0
enable_processing_unique_visitors_week 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_year 0
enable_referrer_definition_syncs 1 If set to 1, then social and search engine definitions files will be synchronised using the internet if "enable_internet_features" is enabled. When set to 0, the definitions will be loaded from the local definitions (updated with core).
enable_required_directories_diagnostic 1 Enable HTTP checks for required and recommended private directories in the diagnostic system check. Set this to 0 if you need to skip it because your hosting provider makes your site inaccessible. Default is 1.
enable_segment_suggested_values 1 Whether to enable the "Suggest values for segment" in the Segment Editor panel. Set this to 0 in case your Matomo database is very big, and suggested values may not appear in time
enable_segments_cache 1 whether to enable segment archiving cache Note: if you use any plugins, this need to be compliant with Matomo and * depending on the segment you create you may need a newer MySQL version (eg 5.7 or newer) * use a reader database for archiving in case you have configured a database reader
enable_segments_subquery_cache 0 whether to enable subquery cache for Custom Segment archiving queries
enable_sites_admin 1 By setting this option to 0 the websites management will be disabled
enable_sql_optimize_queries 1 By default Matomo runs OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL queries to free spaces after deleting some data. If your Matomo tracks millions of pages, the OPTIMIZE TABLE queries might run for hours (seen in "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST \g") so you can disable these special queries here:
enable_tracking_failures_notification 1 Whether or not to send weekly emails to superusers about tracking failures. Default is 1.
enable_trusted_host_check 1 Whether to enable trusted host checking. This can be disabled if you're running Matomo on several URLs and do not wish to constantly edit the trusted host list.
enable_update_communication 1 By setting this option to 0, no emails will be sent in case of an available core. If set to 0 it also disables the "sent plugin update emails" feature in general and the related setting in the UI.
enable_update_users_email 1 set to 0 to disable sending of emails when a password or email is changed
enable_users_admin 1 By setting this option to 0 the users management will be disabled
enabled_periods_API day,week,month,year,range The list of periods that are available in through the API. This also controls the list of periods that are allowed to be archived. You can disable some of them if you have a high traffic website and archiving is too compute heavy. NOTE: if you disable a period in the API, it's parent periods are effectively disabled as well. For example, if month periods are disabled, then year periods can no longer be computed, so they are effectively disabled as well.
enabled_periods_UI day,week,month,year,range The list of periods that are available in the Matomo calendar Example use case: custom date range requests are processed in real time, so they may take a few minutes on very high traffic website: you may remove "range" below to disable this period
feedback_email_address feedback email address; when testing, use your own email address or "nobody"
force_matomo_http_request 0 This option forces matomo marketplace and matomo api requests to use HTTP, as default we use HTTPS to improve security If you have a problem loading the marketplace, please enable this config option
force_ssl 0 If set to 1, Matomo will automatically redirect all http:// requests to https:// If SSL / https is not correctly configured on the server, this will break Matomo If you set this to 1, and your SSL configuration breaks later on, you can always edit this back to 0 it is recommended for security reasons to always use Matomo over https
[ "", "", "" ]
This list defines the hostnames that a valid sources to download GeoIP databases from. Subdomains of those hostnames will be accepted automatically.
graphs_default_evolution_graph_last_days_amount 30 This option controls the default number of days in the past to show in evolution graphs generated by the ImageGraph plugin
graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range day When the ImageGraph plugin is activated, report metadata have an additional entry : 'imageGraphUrl'. This entry can be used to request a static graph for the requested report. When requesting report metadata with $period=range, Matomo needs to translate it to multiple periods for evolution graphs. eg. $period=range&date=previous10 becomes $period=day&date=previous10. Use this setting to override the $period value.
graphs_show_evolution_within_selected_period 0 When the ImageGraph plugin is activated, enabling this option causes the image graphs to show the evolution within the selected period instead of the evolution across the last n periods.
hash_algorithm whirlpool Matomo will use the configured hash algorithm where possible. For legacy data, fallback or non-security scenarios, we use md5.
host_validation_use_server_name 0 If set to 1 Matomo will prefer using SERVER_NAME variable over HTTP_HOST. This can add an additional layer of security as SERVER_NAME can not be manipulated by sending custom host headers when configure correctly.
language_cookie_name matomo_lang language cookie name for session
live_query_max_execution_time -1 If configured, will abort a MySQL query after the configured amount of seconds and show an error in the UI to for example lower the date range or tweak the segment (if one is applied). Set it to -1 if the query time should not be limited. Note: This feature requires a recent MySQL version (5.7 or newer) and the PDO\MYSQL extension must be used. Some MySQL forks like MariaDB might not support this feature which uses the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint. This feature will not work with the MYSQLI extension.
live_visitor_profile_max_visits_to_aggregate 100 by default visitor profile will show aggregated information for the last up to 100 visits of a visitor this limit can be adjusted by changing this value
live_widget_refresh_after_seconds 5 by default, the real time Live! widget will update every 5 seconds and refresh with new visits/actions/etc. you can change the timeout so the widget refreshes more often, or not as frequently
live_widget_visitor_count_last_minutes 3 by default, the Live! real time visitor count widget will check to see how many visitors your website received in the last 3 minutes. changing this value will change the number of minutes the widget looks in.
login_cookie_expire 1209600 By default, the auth cookie is set only for the duration of session. if "Remember me" is checked, the auth cookie will be valid for 14 days by default
login_cookie_name matomo_auth (DEPRECATED) has no effect
login_cookie_path '' Sets the session cookie path
login_password_recovery_replyto_email_address ****** email address that appears as a Reply-to in the password recovery email if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Matomo domain
login_password_recovery_replyto_email_name ****** name that appears as a Reply-to in the password recovery email
login_session_not_remembered_idle_timeout 3600 the amount of time before an idle session is considered expired. only affects session that were created without the "remember me" option checked
maintenance_mode 0 when set to 1, all requests to Matomo will return a maintenance message without connecting to the DB this is useful when upgrading using the shell command, to prevent other users from accessing the UI while Upgrade is in progress
minimum_memory_limit 128 Minimum advised memory limit in Mb in php.ini file (see memory_limit value) Set to "-1" to always use the configured memory_limit value in php.ini file.
minimum_memory_limit_when_archiving 768 Minimum memory limit in Mb enforced when archived via ./console core:archive Set to "-1" to always use the configured memory_limit value in php.ini file.
minimum_mysql_version 4.1 MySQL minimum required version note: timezone support added in 4.1.3
multi_server_environment 0 Set to 1 if you're using more than one server for your Matomo installation. For example if you are using Matomo in a load balanced environment, if you have configured failover or if you're just using multiple servers in general. By enabling this flag we will for example not allow the installation of a plugin via the UI as a plugin would be only installed on one server or a config one change would be only made on one server instead of all servers. This flag doesn't need to be enabled when the config file is on a shared filesystem such as NFS or EFS. When enabled, Matomo will return the response code 200 instead of 503 in maintenance mode.
multisites_refresh_after_seconds 300 In "All Websites" dashboard, when looking at today's reports (or a date range including today), the page will automatically refresh every 5 minutes. Set to 0 to disable automatic refresh
noreply_email_address noreply@{DOMAIN} standard email address displayed when sending emails
noreply_email_name '' standard email name displayed when sending emails. If not set, a default name will be used.
num_days_before_tracking_code_reminder 5 The number of days to wait before sending the JavaScript tracking code email reminder.
overlay_disable_framed_mode 0 With this option, you can disable the framed mode of the Overlay plugin. Use it if your website contains a framebuster.
overlay_following_pages_limit 300 The Overlay plugin shows the Top X following pages, Top X downloads and Top X outlinks which followed a view of the current page. The value X can be set here.
password_hash_algorithm ****** set the algorithm used by password_hash() "default" for the algorithm used by the PHP version or one of ["bcrypt", "argon2i", "argon2id"] "argon2id" requires at least PHP 7.3.0 for all argon2 algorithms, additional parameters can be changed below any changes are applied to the stored hash on the next login of a user see and for more information
password_hash_argon2_memory_cost ****** The amount of memory (in KB) used for calculating the hash a minimum of 8 times the number of threads
password_hash_argon2_threads ****** The number of CPU threads used for calculating the hash
password_hash_argon2_time_cost ****** The number of iterations for calculating the hash
php_binary_path '' The absolute path to a PHP binary file in case Matomo cannot detect your PHP binary. If async CLI archiving cannot be used on your server this may make it work. Ensure the configured PHP binary is of type CLI and not for example cgi or litespeed. To find out the type of interface for a PHP binary execute this command: php -r "echo php_sapi_name();"
pivot_by_filter_default_column_limit 10 This controls the default maximum number of columns to display in a pivot table. Since a pivot table displays a table's rows as columns, the number of columns can become very large, which will affect webpage layouts. Set to -1 to specify no limit. Note: The pivotByColumnLimit query parameter can be used to override this default on a per-request basis;
pivot_by_filter_enable_fetch_by_segment 0 This controls whether the pivotBy query parameter can be used with any dimension or just subtable dimensions. If set to 1, it will fetch a report with a segment for each row of the table being pivoted. At present, this is very inefficient, so it is disabled by default.
piwik_professional_support_ads_enabled 1 If set to 0 it will disable advertisements for providers of Professional Support for Matomo.
process_new_segments_from beginning_of_time When archiving segments for the first time, this determines the oldest date that will be archived. This option can be used to avoid archiving (for instance) the lastN years for every new segment. Valid option values include: "beginning_of_time" (start date of archiving will not be changed) "segment_last_edit_time" (start date of archiving will be the earliest last edit date found, if none is found, the created date is used) "segment_creation_time" (start date of archiving will be the creation date of the segment) editLastN where N is an integer (eg "editLast10" to archive for 10 days before the segment last edit date) lastN where N is an integer (eg "last10" to archive for 10 days before the segment creation date)
proxy_ip_read_last_in_list 0 If set to 1 we use the last IP in the list of proxy IPs when determining the client IP. Using the last IP can be more secure when using proxy headers in combination with a load balancer. By default the first IP is read according to RFC7239 which is required when the client sends the IP through a proxy header as well as the load balancer.
proxy_uri_header 0 Set to 1 if you're using a proxy which is rewriting the URI. By enabling this flag the header HTTP_X_FORWARDED_URI will be considered for the current script name.
purge_date_range_archives_after_X_days 1 By default Matomo is purging complete date range archives to free spaces after deleting some data. If you are pre-processing custom ranges using CLI task to make them easily available in UI, you can prevent this action from happening by setting this parameter to value bigger than 1
rearchive_reports_in_past_exclude_segments 0 If set to 1, when rearchiving reports in the past we do not rearchive segment data with those reports. Default is 0.
rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months 6 Controls how many months in the past reports are re-archived for plugins that support doing this (such as CustomReports). Set to 0 to disable the feature. Default is 6.
release_channel latest_stable While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.
If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please see here.
LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.
scheduled_reports_replyto_is_user_email_and_alias 0 using to set reply_to in reports e-mail to login of report creator
scheduled_reports_truncate 23 scheduled reports truncate limit the report will be rendered with the first 23 rows and will aggregate other rows in a summary row 23 rows table fits in one portrait page
segments_subquery_cache_limit 100000 Any segment subquery that matches more than segments_subquery_cache_limit IDs will not be cached, and the original subquery executed instead.
segments_subquery_cache_ttl 3600 TTL: Time to live for cache files, in seconds. Default to 60 minutes
session_gc_probability 1 Session garbage collection on (as on some operating systems, i.e. Debian, it may be off by default)
show_multisites_sparklines 1 if set to 1, shows sparklines (evolution graph) in 'All Websites' report (MultiSites plugin)
show_update_notification_to_superusers_only 0 by default, an update notification for a new version of Matomo is shown to every user. Set to 1 if only the superusers should see the notification.
site_selector_max_sites 15 maximum number of websites showed in search results in autocompleter
time_before_month_archive_considered_outdated -1 Same as config setting "time_before_week_archive_considered_outdated" but it is only applied to monthly archives
time_before_range_archive_considered_outdated -1 Same as config setting "time_before_week_archive_considered_outdated" but it is only applied to range archives
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated 900 Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for today's statistics. This setting is overridden in the UI, under "General Settings". This setting is only used if it hasn't been overridden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
time_before_week_archive_considered_outdated -1 Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for week's statistics. If set to "-1" (default), it will fall back to the UI setting under "General settings" unless enable_general_settings_admin=0 is set. In this case it will default to "time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated";
time_before_year_archive_considered_outdated -1 Same as config setting "time_before_week_archive_considered_outdated" but it is only applied to yearly archives
tmp_path /tmp The path (relative to the Matomo directory) in which Matomo temporary files are stored. Defaults to ./tmp (the tmp/ folder inside the Matomo directory)
visitor_log_maximum_actions_per_visit 500 maximum number of actions that is shown in the visitor log for each visitor


[ "am", "ar", "be", "bg", "bn", "bs", "ca", "cs", "cy", "da", "de", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "es-ar", "et", "eu", "fa", "fi", "fr", "gl", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it", "ja", "ka", "ko", "ku", "lt", "lv", "nb", "nl", "nn", "pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sv", "ta", "te", "th", "tl", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-cn", "zh-tw" ]


disable_visitor_log Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.
Default: false
disable_visitor_profile All visits-log related features always function.
Default: false


log_level WARN log level, everything logged w/ this level or one of greater severity will be logged. everything else will be ignored. possible values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG this setting will apply to every log writer, if there is no specific log level defined for a writer.
[ "screen" ]
possible values for log: screen, database, file, errorlog, syslog
logger_file_path tmp/logs/matomo.log if configured to log in a file, log entries will be made to this file
logger_syslog_ident matomo if configured to log to syslog, mark them with this identifier string. This acts as an easy-to-find tag in the syslog.


allowedRetriesTimeRange Enter a number of minutes.
Default: 60
blacklistedBruteForceIps Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: or you can use wildcards, e.g: 1.2.3.* or 1.2.*.* If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.
Default: []
enableBruteForceDetection Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.
Default: true
maxAllowedRetries Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.
Default: 20
whitelisteBruteForceIps Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: or you can use wildcards, e.g: 1.2.3.* or 1.2.*.* If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.
Default: []


encryption ''
host ''
password ******
port ''
ssl_disallow_self_signed 1
ssl_verify_peer 1
ssl_verify_peer_name 1
transport ''
type ''
username ''


[ "CorePluginsAdmin", "CoreAdminHome", "CoreHome", "WebsiteMeasurable", "IntranetMeasurable", "Diagnostics", "CoreVisualizations", "Proxy", "API", "Widgetize", "Transitions", "LanguagesManager", "Actions", "Dashboard", "MultiSites", "Referrers", "UserLanguage", "DevicesDetection", "Goals", "Ecommerce", "SEO", "Events", "UserCountry", "VisitsSummary", "VisitFrequency", "VisitTime", "VisitorInterest", "RssWidget", "Feedback", "Monolog", "Login", "TwoFactorAuth", "UsersManager", "SitesManager", "Installation", "CoreUpdater", "CoreConsole", "ScheduledReports", "UserCountryMap", "Live", "PrivacyManager", "ImageGraph", "Annotations", "MobileMessaging", "Overlay", "SegmentEditor", "Morpheus", "Contents", "BulkTracking", "Resolution", "DevicePlugins", "Heartbeat", "Intl", "Marketplace", "ProfessionalServices", "UserId", "CustomJsTracker", "Tour", "PagePerformance", "CustomDimensions", "TagManager", "CustomVariables", "Provider" ]
list of plugins (in order they will be loaded) that are activated by default in the Matomo platform
[ "CoreVue", "CorePluginsAdmin", "CoreAdminHome", "CoreHome", "WebsiteMeasurable", "IntranetMeasurable", "Diagnostics", "CoreVisualizations", "Proxy", "API", "Widgetize", "Transitions", "LanguagesManager", "Actions", "Dashboard", "MultiSites", "Referrers", "UserLanguage", "DevicesDetection", "Goals", "Ecommerce", "SEO", "Events", "UserCountry", "GeoIp2", "VisitsSummary", "VisitFrequency", "VisitTime", "VisitorInterest", "RssWidget", "Feedback", "Monolog", "Login", "TwoFactorAuth", "UsersManager", "SitesManager", "Installation", "CoreUpdater", "CoreConsole", "ScheduledReports", "UserCountryMap", "Live", "PrivacyManager", "ImageGraph", "Annotations", "MobileMessaging", "Overlay", "SegmentEditor", "Insights", "Morpheus", "Contents", "BulkTracking", "Resolution", "DevicePlugins", "Heartbeat", "Intl", "Marketplace", "ProfessionalServices", "UserId", "CustomJsTracker", "Tour", "PagePerformance", "CustomDimensions" ]


[ "Login", "CoreAdminHome", "UsersManager", "SitesManager", "Installation", "CorePluginsAdmin", "CoreHome", "Proxy", "API", "Widgetize", "Transitions", "LanguagesManager", "Actions", "Dashboard", "MultiSites", "Goals", "SEO", "UserCountry", "VisitsSummary", "VisitFrequency", "VisitTime", "VisitorInterest", "ExampleRssWidget", "Provider", "Feedback", "CoreUpdater", "UserCountryMap", "Live", "CustomVariables", "PrivacyManager", "ImageGraph", "DoNotTrack", "Annotations", "MobileMessaging", "Overlay", "SegmentEditor", "CoreVisualizations", "Referrers", "Events", "CoreConsole", "ScheduledReports", "Morpheus", "DevicesDetection", "Contents", "BulkTracking", "Resolution", "DevicePlugins", "Ecommerce", "UserLanguage", "Monolog", "Diagnostics", "WebsiteMeasurable", "Intl", "Heartbeat", "UserId", "ProfessionalServices", "Marketplace", "RssWidget", "IntranetMeasurable", "TwoFactorAuth", "Tour", "TagManager", "CustomJsTracker", "PagePerformance", "CustomDimensions", "CoreVue" ]
[ "Diagnostics", "Login", "CoreAdminHome", "UsersManager", "SitesManager", "Installation", "Monolog", "Intl" ]


ImprintUrl A link to your Imprint page. If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the 'anonymous' user can access.
Default: ''
privacyPolicyUrl A link to your Privacy Policy page. If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the 'anonymous' user can access.
Default: ''
showInEmbeddedWidgets If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.
Default: false
termsAndConditionUrl A link to your Terms & Conditions page. If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the 'anonymous' user can access.
Default: ''


exclude ''
host ''
password ******
port ''
type BASIC
username ''


database 14
host Redis server configuration.
password ******
port 6379
timeout 0.0
unix_socket '' instead of host and port a unix socket path can be configured



environments Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.
[ { "environment": "dev" }, { "environment": "staging" } ]
restrictCustomTemplates This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.
Default: admin


ignore_visits_cookie_name piwik_ignore name of the cookie to ignore visits
Default: matomo_ignore
bulk_requests_require_authentication 0 Whether Bulk tracking requests to the Tracking API requires the token_auth to be set.
bulk_requests_use_transaction 1 Whether Bulk tracking requests will be wrapped within a DB Transaction. This greatly increases performance of Log Analytics and in general any Bulk Tracking API requests.
campaign_keyword_var_name pk_kwd,pk_keyword,piwik_kwd,mtm_kwd,mtm_keyword,matomo_kwd,utm_term Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to track a Campaign Keyword Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?matomo_campaign=Adwords-CPC&matomo_kwd=My killer keyword' ; then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword' Includes by default the GA style campaign keyword parameter utm_term
campaign_var_name pk_cpn,pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,mtm_campaign,matomo_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to define a Campaign name, for example CPC campaign Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?matomo_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC' Includes by default the GA style campaign parameters
cookie_domain '' The domain on the server in which the cookie will be available on. Defaults to empty. See spec in This is used for the third party cookie if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_expire 33955200 by default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_name _pk_uid name of the cookie used to store the visitor information This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_path '' The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. Defaults to empty. See spec in This is used for the Ignore cookie, and the third party cookie if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
create_new_visit_after_midnight 1 ONLY CHANGE THIS VALUE WHEN YOU DO NOT USE MATOMO ARCHIVING, SINCE THIS COULD CAUSE PARTIALLY MISSING ARCHIVE DATA Whether to force a new visit at midnight for every visitor. Default 1.
create_new_visit_after_x_actions 10000 Will force the creation of a new visit once a visit had this many actions. Increasing this number can slow down the tracking in Matomo and put more load on the database. Increase this limit if it's expected that you have visits with more than this many actions. Set to 0 or a negative value to allow unlimited actions.
create_new_visit_when_campaign_changes 1 if set to 1, actions that contain different campaign information from the visitor's ongoing visit will be treated as the start of a new visit. This will include situations when campaign information was absent before, but is present now.
create_new_visit_when_website_referrer_changes 0 if set to 1, actions that contain different website referrer information from the visitor's ongoing visit will be treated as the start of a new visit. This will include situations when website referrer information was absent before, but is present now.
custom_image '' Custom image to return when tracker URL includes &image=1 Overrides the default 1x1 transparent gif This should either be the full path to the image file or a base64 encoded image string wrapped in quotes For both image files and base64 encoded strings supported image types are gif, jpg and png
debug 0 If tracking does not work for you or you are stuck finding an issue, you might want to enable the tracker debug mode. Once enabled (set to 1) messages will be logged to all loggers defined in "[log] log_writers" config.
debug_on_demand 0 This option is an alternative to the debug option above. When set to 1, you can debug tracker request by adding a debug=1 query parameter in the URL. All other HTTP requests will not have debug enabled. For security reasons this option should be only enabled if really needed and only for a short time frame. Otherwise anyone can set debug=1 and see the log output as well.
default_time_one_page_visit 0 visitors that stay on the website and view only one page will be considered as time on site of 0 second
enable_default_location_provider 1 If set to 1, Matomo will use the default provider if no other provider is configured. In addition the default provider will be used as a fallback when the configure provider does not return any results. If set to 0, the default provider will be unavailable. Instead the "disabled" provider will be used as default and fallback instead.
enable_fingerprinting_across_websites 0 Matomo uses "Privacy by default" model. When one of your users visit multiple of your websites tracked in this Matomo, Matomo will create for this user a fingerprint that will be different across the multiple websites. If you want to track unique users across websites you may set this setting to 1. Note: setting this to 0 increases your users' privacy.
enable_language_to_country_guess 1 if set to 1, Matomo attempts a "best guess" at the visitor's country of origin when the preferred language tag omits region information. The mapping is defined in core/DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php,
enable_spam_filter 1 Enables using referrer spam blacklist.
enable_sql_profiler 0 if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request NOTE: you must also set "[Tracker] debug = 1" to enable the profiler.
enable_userid_overwrites_visitorid 1 When enabled and a userId is set, then the visitorId will be automatically set based on the userId. This allows to identify the same user as the same visitor across devices. Disabling this feature can be useful for example when using the third party cookie, where all Matomo tracked sites use the same "global" visitorId for a device and you want to see when the same user switches between devices.
exclude_requests '' Allows you to exclude specific requests from being tracked. The definition is similar to segments. The following operands are supported: Equals: `==`, Not equals: `!=`, Contains: `=@`, Not Contains: `!@`, Starts with: `=^`, Ends with: `=$`. The structure is as following: {tracking parameter}{operand}{value to match}. For example "e_c==Media" means that all tracking requests will be excluded where the event category is Media. Multiple exclusions can be configured separated by a comma. The request will be excluded if any expressions matches (not all of them). For example: "e_c==Media,action_name=@privacy". This would also exclude any request from being tracked where the page title contains privacy. All comparisons are performed case insensitive. The value to match on the right side should be URL encoded. For example: "action_name=^foo%2Cbar" would exclude page titles that start with "foo,bar". For a list of tracking parameters you can use on the left side view
innodb_lock_wait_timeout 0 If a value greater than 0 is configured, Matomo will configure MySQL with the set lock wait timeout in seconds during a tracking request. This can be useful if you have a high concurrency load on your server and want to reduce the time of lock wait times. For example configuring a value of 3-10 seconds may give your Matomo a performance boost if you have many concurrent tracking requests for the same visitor. When enabling this feature, make sure the MySQL variable "innodb_rollback_on_timeout" is turned off. Only configure if really needed. The lower the value the more tracking requests may be discarded due to too low lock wait time.
page_maximum_length 1024 maximum length of a Page Title or a Page URL recorded in the table
record_statistics 1 set to 0 if you want to stop tracking the visitors. Useful if you need to stop all the connections on the DB.
scheduled_tasks_min_interval 3600 When the `./console core:archive` cron hasn't been setup, we still need to regularly run some maintenance tasks. Visits to the Tracker will try to trigger Scheduled Tasks (eg. scheduled PDF/HTML reports by email). Scheduled tasks will only run if 'Enable Matomo Archiving from Browser' is enabled in the General Settings. Tasks run once every hour maximum, they might not run every hour if traffic is low. Set to 0 to disable Scheduled tasks completely.
tracker_cache_file_ttl 300 Tracker cache files are the simple caching layer for Tracking. TTL: Time to live for cache files, in seconds. Default to 5 minutes.
tracking_requests_require_authentication 1 DO NOT USE THIS SETTING ON PUBLICLY AVAILABLE MATOMO SERVER !!! Security risk: if set to 0, it would allow anyone to push data to Matomo with custom dates in the past/future and even with fake IPs! When using the Tracking API, to override either the datetime and/or the visitor IP, token_auth with an "admin" access is required. If you set this setting to 0, the token_auth will not be required anymore. DO NOT USE THIS SETTING ON PUBLIC MATOMO SERVERS
tracking_requests_require_authentication_when_custom_timestamp_newer_than 86400 By default, Matomo accepts only tracking requests for up to 1 day in the past. For tracking requests with a custom date date is older than 1 day, Matomo requires an authenticated tracking requests. By setting this config to another value You can change how far back Matomo will track your requests without authentication. The configured value is in seconds.
trust_visitors_cookies 0 This setting is described in this FAQ: Note: generally this should only be set to 1 in an intranet setting, where most users have the same configuration (browsers, OS) and the same IP. If left to 0 in this setting, all visitors will be counted as one single visitor.
url_query_parameter_to_exclude_from_url gclid,fbclid,msclkid,yclid,fb_xd_fragment,fb_comment_id,phpsessid,jsessionid,sessionid,aspsessionid,doing_wp_cron,sid,pk_vid Comma separated list of URL query string variable names that will be removed from your tracked URLs By default, Matomo will remove the most common parameters which are known to change often (eg. session ID parameters)
use_third_party_id_cookie 0 Matomo uses first party cookies by default. If set to 1, the visit ID cookie will be set on the Matomo server domain as well this is useful when you want to do cross websites analysis
visit_standard_length 1800 length of a visit in seconds. If a visitor comes back on the website visit_standard_length seconds after their last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit. In case you are using the Matomo JavaScript tracker to calculate the visit count correctly, make sure to call the method "setSessionCookieTimeout" eg `_paq.push(['setSessionCookieTimeout', timeoutInSeconds=1800])`
window_look_back_for_visitor 0 The amount of time in the past to match the current visitor to a known visitor via fingerprint. Defaults to visit_standard_length. If you are looking for higher accuracy of "returning visitors" metrics, you may set this value to 86400 or more. This is especially useful when you use the Tracking API where tracking Returning Visitors often depends on this setting. The value window_look_back_for_visitor is used only if it is set to greater than visit_standard_length. Note: visitors with visitor IDs will be matched by visitor ID from any point in time, this is only for recognizing visitors by device fingerprint.


twoFactorAuthName The name of the title to display that will be displayed in the Authenticator app.
Default: Analytics -
twoFactorAuthRequired Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)
Default: false

Available shortcuts