New Update: Matomo 4.16.1
Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your Matomo administrator for assistance.

Need more help? FAQCommunity HelpProfessional Help.

Your Matomo setup has some critical issues. Fix them immediately. More info below.

Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.

Copy system check Download system check

PHP version >= 7.2.5 8.1.28
PDO extension
PDO\MYSQL extension
MYSQLI extension
Other required extensions zlib
Required functions debug_backtrace
Required PHP configuration (php.ini) session.auto_start = 0
max_execution_time = 0 OR = -1 OR >= 30
Directories with write access /var/www/vhosts/
Directories with write access for Tag Manager /var/www/vhosts/


Required Private Directories
We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.

We also found that Matomo's config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can't read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.

Read this to learn more.
Recommended Private Directories All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.
File integrity File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.

Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn't expect them.
--> Please delete these directories to prevent errors. <--

Directory to delete: libs/bower_components
Directory to delete: vendor/container-interop
Directory to delete: vendor/doctrine
Directory to delete: vendor/leafo
Directory to delete: vendor/piwik
Directory to delete: vendor/twig/twig/ext

To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:
rm -Rf /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/

Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn't expect them.
--> Please delete these files to prevent errors. <--

File to delete: config/environment/test.php
File to delete: config/environment/ui-test.php
File to delete: misc/others/ExamplePiwikTracker.php
File to delete: misc/others/uninstall-delete-piwik-directory.php
File to delete: package-lock.json
File to delete: phpcs.xml
File to delete: node_modules/chroma-js/.npmignore
File to delete: node_modules/iframe-resizer/.ncurc.json
File to delete: node_modules/iframe-resizer/.prettierrc
File to delete: node_modules/jquery.browser/.npmignore
File to delete: node_modules/jquery.scrollto/.jscsrc
File to delete: node_modules/jquery.scrollto/.npmignore
File to delete: node_modules/ng-dialog/.npmignore
File to delete: node_modules/qrcodejs2/.npmignore
File to delete: vendor/davaxi/sparkline/.codeclimate.yml
File to delete: vendor/matomo/device-detector/.yamllint
File to delete: vendor/php-di/php-di/.gitstats.yml
File to delete: vendor/php-di/php-di/.phpstorm.meta.php
File to delete: vendor/twig/twig/.php_cs.dist

To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:
rm "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/" "/var/www/vhosts/"

64-bit PHP Binary
Tracker status
Memory limit 128M
Time zone
Open URL curl
PageSpeed is turned off
GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)
Other extensions json
Other functions shell_exec
Set up Cron (faster report-loading) For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. Learn more.
Set up Cron - Managing processes via CLI Ok
Database abilities UTF8mb4 charset

Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command /var/www/vhosts/ core:convert-to-utf8mb4 or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.

This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with �. You can read more details about this topic in this FAQ.

Changing transaction isolation level
Max Packet Size It is recommended to configure a 'max_allowed_packet' size in your MySQL database of at least 64MB. Configured is currently 16MB.
Forced SSL Connection We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add force_ssl = 1 to the General section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.
Geolocation The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language. This is not very accurate, so install and use a geolocation database.
Update over HTTPS
Writable JavaScript Tracker ("/matomo.js" & "/piwik.js")

Informational results

Matomo Version 4.14.1
Matomo Update History 4.2.1,3.14.0,
Matomo Install Version Unknown - pre 3.8.
Latest Available Version 4.16.1
Is Git Deployment 0
PHP_OS Linux
PHP_BINARY /opt/plesk/php/8.1/sbin/php-fpm
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi

PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the official nginx server configuration
Timezone Version 0.system
PHP Timezone UTC
PHP Time 1714040069
PHP Datetime 2024-04-25 10:14:29
PHP Disabled functions opcache_get_status
PHP INI max_execution_time 60
PHP INI post_max_size 8M
PHP INI max_input_vars 2500
PHP INI zlib.output_compression
Curl Version 7.58.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1
Suhosin Installed 0
DB Prefix piwik_
DB Charset utf8
MySQL Version 10.4.31-MariaDB-1:10.4.31+maria~ubu1804-log
Num Tables 463
Browser Segment Archiving Enabled 1
Development Mode Enabled 0
Internet Enabled 1
Multi Server Environment 0
Auto Update Enabled 1
Custom User Path 0
Custom Include Path 0
Release Channel latest_stable
Plugins Activated API, Actions, Annotations, BulkTracking, Contents, CoreAdminHome, CoreConsole, CoreHome, CorePluginsAdmin, CoreUpdater, CoreVisualizations, CoreVue, CustomDimensions, CustomJsTracker, CustomVariables 4.1.2, Dashboard, DevicePlugins, DevicesDetection, Diagnostics, Ecommerce, Events, Feedback, Goals, Heartbeat, ImageGraph, Installation, Intl, IntranetMeasurable, LanguagesManager, Live, Login, Marketplace, MobileMessaging, Monolog, Morpheus, MultiSites, Overlay, PagePerformance, PrivacyManager, ProfessionalServices, Provider 4.0.5, Proxy, Referrers, Resolution, RssWidget, SEO, ScheduledReports, SegmentEditor, SitesManager, TagManager, Tour, Transitions, TwoFactorAuth, UserCountry, UserCountryMap, UserId, UserLanguage, UsersManager, VisitFrequency, VisitTime, VisitorInterest, VisitsSummary, WebsiteMeasurable, Widgetize
Plugins Deactivated DBStats, ExampleRssWidget 1.0, GeoIp2, Insights, MobileAppMeasurable, PiwikPro 4.14.1, SecurityInfo, UserSettings, VisitorGenerator, Zeitgeist 4.14.1
Plugins Invalid SecurityInfo, UserSettings, VisitorGenerator
Server Info nginx/1.24.0

To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the official nginx server configuration
Had visits in last 1 day 0
Had visits in last 3 days 0
Had visits in last 5 days 0
Archive Time Last Started 2024-04-07 09:53:15
Archive Time Last Finished 2024-04-07 09:53:15
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
Browser Language
Total Invalidation Count 0
In Progress Invalidation Count 0
Scheduled Invalidation Count 0
Earliest invalidation ts_started
Latest invalidation ts_started
Earliest invalidation ts_invalidated
Latest invalidation ts_invalidated
Number of segment invalidations 0
Number of plugin invalidations 0
List of plugins being invalidated
Anonymize Referrer
Do Not Track enabled 1

Available shortcuts